Sunday, February 10, 2013


Gitega International Academy (GIA), the first English-speaking boarding school in Burundi, opened in 2012.  Burundi, located in central Africa, and referred to as the heart of Africa not only because of its location but also because it is shaped like a human heart, is a country which has seen more than its fair share of trauma.  Like Rwanda, its sister country to the north, Burundi experienced years of civil war and a similar genocide - although Burundi's was more protracted, lasting 13 years.
When visiting Burundi a few years ago, the people told me: 1) They know that in order to be a player on the world stage the children must be taught to speak English (French and Kirundi are the primary languages); and 2) Africa does not lack natural resources, it just lacks leaders with strong moral convictions and integrity.
The Gitega International Academy addresses both those needs which is why I, along with eight other people, have committed to a seven day, 400 mile bicycle ride, in Burundi - the Tour du Burundi!  Our purpose is to raise awareness of the academy and also to seek out donations from people such as yourself who are interested in supporting a school dedicated to raising up generations of English speaking leaders with a strong moral compass that will lead Burundi to new levels of prosperity and peace never before seen in that country.  My goal is to raise $15,000.
Let me assure you, every dollar donated will go directly to the academy. My friend, Simon Guillebaud (pronounced Gill-bo) is organizing the Tour du Burundi.  Simon is British but has lived in Burundi for over 10 years and it is through his organization, Great Lakes Outreach (Africa has great lakes too), that donations will be made.  I trust Simon (hey, I'm travelling 10,000 miles to ride a bike with him so I must trust him) and you can trust him to get every penny of your donation to the Gitega International Academy.  Your donation is tax deductible.  You can read more about Simon's organization at
So the question now is "How do I give?”  Grab your credit card, click here, and follow the instructions from there.
Should you have any questions send me an email.  I would love to chat with you.
Thanks so much!
Burundi Dave –


  1. I think this is amazing and I'm so impressed that you are doing this ride for the cause as well as doing this ride at all! You and your riding buddy rock and I'm so impressed and inspired by you both! I'm cheering for you on the side lines ...Go Dave!!!

  2. Hello-I am a good friend and former manager of the lovely Jenna. What an amazing thing you are doing. I currently involved in building medical clinics in developing countries. I am affiliated with 5 clinics in Kenya and an orphanage. My current project is raising funds for the kids of the orphanage to go to boarding schools. Let me know if there is anything we might be able help each other out. God Speed Good Sir!
