Monday, February 25, 2013

Low Energy - High Hopes

Personal energy level has been great of late, so much so, that it was reasonable to reduce my calorie intake, specifically protein, so I eliminated one ounce of turkey and one ounce of ground beef from my daily diet.  Seemingly nothing significant and initially a sound decision.  Then Saturday arrived.

Running errands, suddenly everything sounded good to eat.  Driving past a pizza parlor, In-and-Out, a donut shop, a build your own salad place, ok I’m kidding about the salad place, but EVERYTHING else sounded delicious plus my energy was dropping as the day grew longer.  It was clear the eliminated protein had to make a return which it did for dinner that evening but the damage was done.

Sunday morning arrived but my energy did not.  The usual breakfast did not help.  Nothing was helping and I had a return trip to Redwood Road on the calendar, 48 miles, 3000 feet of climbing, and 3900 calories of energy I didn’t have to give.  I would have canceled but already committed to ride with a friend (not my usual riding buddy, although he would have gone with me had I asked, he’s that kind of friend) at 11 am after church and dreading it.

In the garage preparing for the ride and focusing on my low energy I recalled something our pastor said earlier that morning.  Talking about how we are gifted with unique talents he said, “As Christians we don’t have to serve others, we get to serve others.”  It’s about attitude and thinking of the pending ride in that context I came to this conclusion: I don’t have to ride, I get to ride.  My gosh, I have a nice road bike, I’m healthy, the weather was beautiful (again), a friend is willing to ride with me, and most importantly I have a wife that supports my training and trip to Burundi.

I get to ride in support of a great school in Burundi that will educate generations of young men and women. I felt a sense of hope that I could tackle the ride.  Well off we went and I’m happy to report, a) I made it home, b) we did not stop at a donut shop along the way, and c) I increased my average speed by 0.5 miles per hour from the same ride two weeks ago.  What a gift!  The speed increase tells me I’m in better shape than two weeks ago and is such an encouragement.  Had I canceled I wouldn’t have seen the increased speed and I would have been mad at myself for “quitting” the Redwood ride.  Talk about two outcomes that could not be more different.

So carrying on that theme, if you’re contemplating supporting the school, think of it as, “I get to support the school, not I have to support the school.”  Please give because that little voice inside you is prompting you to do so not because you will feel guilty the next time you see Burundi Dave.   Only cheerful givers please.

Switching gears for a moment I want to make this promise to you.  As noted above, I am a Christian, most of you know that but some don’t.  Now you all do.  I promise never to preach at you about the Christian faith.  I’ve never known anyone who thinks Christianity is something worth exploring while being beaten over the head with a bible.  I just won’t do it and I respect people’s point of view that is different than mine.  That said, my faith in Christ is the cornerstone on which I build my life and there will be times, like today, when my faith will weave its way into a post.  If you ever feel like I go off the preachy deep end let me know.  One person’s non-preachy post may be another’s crazy rant so it would be good to hear your perspective.

Thanks for checking out my blog!!